Project Schedule

Last update: 04/13/2021

» Mod Applications
August 1 - August 9, 2020
Selection emails to follow in 1-2 weeks. Consultant applications will run until the 12th if needed.

» Contributor Applications (SFW)
August 29 - October 1, 2020
Selection emails to follow in 1-2 weeks.

» Contributor Applications (NSFW)
September 26 - October 22, 2020
Selection emails to follow in 1-2 weeks.

» Check-Ins
Contributor check-ins will be monthly, with a total production time of about three to four months (three check-ins and a final submission date).

» Preorder Period
Preorders for the SFW and NSFW zines will be staggered by about one month and will be sold on different storefronts.

SFW Zine Preorders
» Open February 27 - April 12, 2021. Preorders are now closed!

NSFW Zine Preorders
Preorders are now closed!

Limit BREAK! (SFW)

Applications have concluded and preorders have closed.

Honeybee (NSFW) Apps

Applications have concluded and preorders have closed.

Mod Team

× UPDATE: due to safety concerns, the names of any physical locations have been removed from this bio page.

Co-founder, organization, social media, finance

Emil, 26, he/him
trans masc, nonbinary (genderfluid?), aceflux, mlm

» Howdy, I'm Emil. Square Enix owns my soul, especially when it comes to NieR, FF7, and KH. My big introduction to fandom was back in the days of gaming forums and Geocities pages, and I've got a pretty extensive resume that includes a lot of years in the event management field working at, presenting at, and running anime conventions and online events, as well as having run a fairly successful small business. I've built and managed multiple web stores including shipping and money management including doing charity fundraisers.

» I did the formatting, layout, physical printing, shipping, credits, and contributor storefront management for Nameless (@LovelessZine)
» Contributor for Brewbook (@potionsbrewbook), Flurry of Dancing Flames (@axelflamezine), 10 Years of Tears (@nie_zine), Dis-Organizine (@Disorganizine), Trans Masc Artists Zine (@TransMascsZine).

Co-founder, layout, communication, beta reader

Guile, 28, he/him
trans masc, agender, gray-asexual

» experience operating as a moderator for online projects and communities, including fandom communities. proofreader and editor on multiple writing clubs. has coordinated, judged, and run a cosplay contest for several years and assisted the director of cosplay programming at a convention. ran layout for a newspaper and is familiar with printing processes and specs.

Lead Writing Mod

Mary Woodard, 25, she/her or he/him
neurodivergent queer lesbian

» Hi, I'm Mary. This is my third time being a Writing Mod and sixth zine over all. In addition to this, I'm currently modding for Soft and Warm: A Plus-sized Sapphics zine and contributing to Cosmic Vows: An LeaIsa Zine and Potions Brewbook. I tend to write a lot about the intersection of queer issues and neurodivergence/mental health. I also literally walked out of a class for being told I couldn't write Sci-fi/Fantasy and have never regretted it. When I'm not keeping myself busy with zines I'm annoying my fur children, introducing the girlfriends to my newest hyperfixation, or selling my soul to Tetsuya Nomura by replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 for the hundredth time.

Art & Graphic Design Mod

Cayde / Bridlet, 26, they/he
nonbinary trans masc, bisexual

» Hi everyone! I’m Cayde! I’m usually a TTRPG character artist, but I’m so happy to be working for the first time on this zine! In the real world, I have experience with design for theatre both on-stage and in print, as well as merch experience from tabling at various conventions in the Southeastern US. I am also one part of a small, queer-owned, four-person business called Cosmica Sidera— we like to make all things spooky, occult, and out of this world!

Lead Art Mod || Discord Mod

Ben, 22, he/him
trans man, panromantic ace, autistic, disabled

» I'm Ben, a neurodivergent trans guy who loves to create that good rep! I've been in several zines, including being an artist for Heroes In Transition & the Prism Project, and being a moderator for New Horizons: The Island Getaway Booklet! I've also had my artwork displayed in a gallery show for trans artists!

Lead Cosplay Mod || Discord Mod

August/Shin, 21, he/him
trans man, panromantic asexual

» This is my first job as a Mod but I am a contributor in both the Summer Memories FFXV Zine and the FFXV 2021 calendar. I am a cosplayer of five years and I cosplay mainly Square Enix characters. I am very excited to be able to work on this project and hope to give back to the Final Fantasy community everything they have given to me!

Beta Reader || Discord Mod

Sebastian, 21, he/him
trans man, very queer, Palestinian

» very Arab, very queer, very unapologetic about both of those things
» co-moderator of the Slice of Clack event and zine
» knows too much about Discord due to moderating several servers over the course of about 3 years (Homestuck & FF7)


Dahlia, 30, she/her
trans woman

» My name is Dahlia! I'm a writer and artist who's been active in fan content communities since I was 12. My main projects lately have been lgbtq+ fanfiction, mostly centering on Greek Mythology and Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and my recent fic "No One Will Ever Know You," a F!Byleth/Edelgard lesbian slash fic, has been viewed over 20,000 times on AO3!


Tyler Krasnai, 22, they/he
nonbinary, pansexual

» I am a non-binary writer! I am both an aspiring author working on my first novel and currently working in Games Journalism. I have never worked on any projects like this before, and I am eager to see what we end up with!

Consultant & Beta Reader

kay, ↑ 18, they/them
nonbinary, bigender, asexual, aromantic, lesbian

» Heyo, I'm kay (no caps). I'm on 7 layers of queer at all times, and boy does it show. I'm primarily a writer, but sometimes I'm a streamer, a video essayist, and a rapper. is my website where I post stories I write. I write a lot of horror, a lot of microfiction, and a lot of queer stories, with some good overlap. Each story also has a word count and a description to help you pick out what works for your schedule, taste, attention span, whatever! Currently I have a lot of projects in the works, including a video essay on the Scott Pilgrim comics and an upcoming rap feature.


Limit BREAK!

Our SFW version of the zine. Preorders were open from February 27 - April 12, 2021 and are currently closed.

Current makeup of creators:

» 32 Artists
» 11 Writers
» 6 Cosplayers

Special Guests:
Idefix, jamqyu, Alma, & Twinfools!

Click on the icons below to be linked to the pages of some of our contributors!

Honeybee (NSFW)

Our NSFW version of the zine. Preorders were open from March 27 - May 10, 2021 and are currently closed.

Current makeup of creators:

» 16 Artists
» 11 Writers
» 6 Cosplayers

Special Guests:
MoonlightPastime, bigeyed_ART, SnuggleCosplay, Gabriel Saoghal!

Click on the icons below to be linked to the pages of some of our contributors!

Due to import laws of pornographic content, we unfortunately cannot ship the NSFW zine or merchandise to the following countries.

Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, China, Comoros, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Gaza Strip, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nagorno-Karabakh, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Northern Cyprus, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Somaliland, South Korea, South Ossetia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Transnistria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Vietnam, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.